Sunday, 11 January 2015

Third Ayahuasca Ceremony

As obnoxious as it sounds, I had previously referred to myself as an Agnostic Atheist. Now, I can wholeheartedly and proudly say I have "converted" to Agnostic - whatever the hell that even means.

I basically had no visions whatsoever, other than maybe some eye wobbles and distorted vision (both open and closed eye). There was, however, one point while my eyes were closed I saw a light so bright I literally had to shield my eyes from it (despite them being closed).

Then I just traveled deep within me. I watched some of the very traumatic experiences from my life like a movie. Fortunately, Mother had filled me with much love and strength so I was able to watch through these visions and did so without any awful emotions. It was rather liberating.

Flower Bath
I also felt a profound sense of love and admiration for everyone else who was in the room, and for how brave we all were to be doing this. I became (and still am) so immensely appreciative of this unique and special opportunity that I almost started making a mental list of friends who I know need this and should come here. I am just so grateful that I am able to do this and be here, since there are a lot of people who really need to and would benefit from this greatly. I then reflected on some of the negative aspects of my social circle and why they bother me, and the lesson I got there was that I just have to let it go and let it be (John 's Lennon's 'Let It Be' even played briefly in my head).

I'm not too sure if I'm going to share what happened next. At least not yet, since it's very personal and I'm still very rattled by it and trying to process it but it's written down in my notebook so if I'm up for it I might share it later. What happened to me was like nothing I have ever experienced, or am likely to experience again, and was by far the most intense thing to have ever happened to me in my life. Sorry to make out like I'm trying to be being super cryptic or mysterious or anything - believe me, I'm not.

1 comment:

  1. "What happened to me was like nothing I have ever experienced, or am likely to experience again, and was by far the most intense thing to have ever happened to me in my life."

